latest 8 messages by roflin

+ [2014-10-30T09:07:58Z] roflin flags section on the plugins page.
+ [2014-10-30T09:06:58Z] roflin i read something about priority variables on the generators doc page
+ [2014-10-27T17:03:21Z] roflin jaybe: tnxs man. that solved my issue.
+ [2014-10-26T21:26:09Z] roflin mmm thats a real shame though, I'm running "jekyll --build --watch" as a system service atm. would be a shame if i have to restart it when I add something to the config.
+ [2014-10-26T21:09:14Z] roflin and trigger generators?
+ [2014-10-26T21:09:04Z] roflin mmm could I add a personal config file that will be watched?
+ [2014-10-26T18:40:04Z] roflin sorry when running jekyll --watch
+ [2014-10-26T18:39:41Z] roflin Heya, I have written a generator that takes some information in the _config.yml. But when I change appropriate fields in the config.yml the generator isn't rerun. Can I make it regenerate?