latest 13 messages by rogeralsing

+ [2014-08-07T08:41:39Z] rogeralsing jaybe: , "except that it adds support for fenced code blocks using three or more backticks and enforces hard line breaks in paragraphs."
+ [2014-08-07T08:39:32Z] rogeralsing this irc client messes up my tells :(
+ [2014-08-07T08:39:04Z] rogeralsing jashank: this all seems super buggy, imo GFM should mean GFM
+ [2014-08-07T08:36:57Z] rogeralsing oops, told the wrong person :) jashank, not jashank
+ [2014-08-07T08:36:21Z] rogeralsing jashank: using GFM option isn't that supposed to get me atleast very close to how github renders markdown?
+ [2014-08-07T08:35:39Z] rogeralsing that is super odd since it has an "input: GFM" option
+ [2014-08-07T08:32:23Z] rogeralsing backtick code blocks a'la gfm.. ```csharp
+ [2014-08-07T08:31:21Z] rogeralsing jaybe: nope, that doesnt apply to the codeblocks from markdown.. they are completely unparsed if kramdown is used
+ [2014-08-07T08:00:52Z] rogeralsing also, how do I enable pygments for kramdown? I just get <pre class="language-foo"> .. nothing have been parsed
+ [2014-08-07T07:57:48Z] rogeralsing jashank: what about sloppy markdown, I know that "#header" is not valid md, but github allows it, is it possible to enable that in kramdown?
+ [2014-08-07T07:55:07Z] rogeralsing jaybe: so, for highlighting.. I don't quite get this, there is a config "highlighter: pygments" and then there is a config for kramdown, use coderay.. what is what ? the coderay thing is for markdown? and highlighter is for liquid tags?
+ [2014-08-07T07:36:55Z] rogeralsing so, complete Jekyll noob here.. I'm copying my MD files from github wiki into my githubpages site, what markdown renderer am I supposed to use? currently using redcarpet and it seems to render closer to how github does than rdiscount.