latest 11 messages by ronin__

+ [2013-11-15T22:32:44Z] ronin__ k thanks
+ [2013-11-15T22:10:48Z] ronin__ rake preview shows everything so i must be doing something wrong with the deployment
+ [2013-11-15T22:08:37Z] ronin__ my public directory contains the blog subdirectories, eg about, assets, blogs, etc
+ [2013-11-15T21:57:25Z] ronin__
+ [2013-11-15T21:57:14Z] ronin__ i'm following the instructions on the octopress site. idk
+ [2013-11-15T21:55:31Z] ronin__ just to test. i just started this
+ [2013-11-15T21:46:58Z] ronin__ i checked google groups and the same issues went unanswered
+ [2013-11-15T21:46:41Z] ronin__ i deployed my blog to heroku but it comes up blank. rake preview works on local though
+ [2013-11-15T21:44:39Z] ronin__ hello