latest 14 messages by rook_flood

+ [2015-02-23T03:12:20Z] rook_flood Spring: good question. I'd guess it's an oversight. I'd submit an issue for it (not sure where, but it seems like the kind of thing they'd change if you mentioned it)
+ [2015-02-23T03:10:15Z] rook_flood try going to {username}/starred
+ [2015-02-23T01:15:30Z] rook_flood I'll actually take this question to the vim channel folks
+ [2015-02-23T01:14:55Z] rook_flood random question: what are people using to convert markdown files to presentation slides these days? I'm trying vimdeck ( – I like it, but I'm running into a few issues.
+ [2015-01-06T18:09:17Z] rook_flood ps Seveas, Lloyd, cdown: I found it. it's tj holowaychuk's git-extras repo:
+ [2015-01-06T18:08:38Z] rook_flood cdown: good question. I wouldn't do it in my own repo, just contributing to someone else's repo and they maintain the list
+ [2015-01-06T17:53:18Z] rook_flood I'm gonna try to get in touch with one of the authors of the repos that I've found that publish it in this exact format, should yield something :)
+ [2015-01-06T17:52:57Z] rook_flood ha, yeah. I tried that. in the couple of repos that I have found, I can't find much of a mention other than "added contributors"
+ [2015-01-06T17:49:54Z] rook_flood Seveas: I found `git shortlog -ns` which is closer, but not the same
+ [2015-01-06T17:49:36Z] rook_flood Seveas: a-ha, but that doesn't give the metadata (project name, project start date, contributor percentages)
+ [2015-01-06T17:44:12Z] rook_flood what do people use to generate a table of contributors for their README? e.g.