latest 8 messages by rootsudo

+ [2015-07-14T03:39:07Z] rootsudo yeah, mine too--- I have a challenge for a sysengineer job and I feel it's outside my grasp
+ [2015-07-14T03:22:30Z] rootsudo on production, pull all changes ā€” Iā€™m thinking I could just use a backup, or would I use rsync?
+ [2015-07-14T03:22:30Z] rootsudo files have been changed on dev codebase, script should sync codebase by creating a new branch on git, check it in.
+ [2015-07-14T03:22:30Z] rootsudo 1 sync db from dev to production ā€” okay to overwrite.
+ [2015-07-14T03:21:33Z] rootsudo guideX: maybe you coul dhelp me then
+ [2015-07-14T03:16:53Z] rootsudo well I guess I know nothing about github
+ [2015-07-14T01:47:29Z] rootsudo VxJasonxV: thanks for the direction!
+ [2015-07-14T01:36:37Z] rootsudo what's a easy way to sync all updates to production from dev