latest 20 messages by rosenjcb

+ [2016-03-08T22:47:59Z] rosenjcb How do I consolidate, if I'm doing this right?
+ [2016-03-08T22:47:55Z] rosenjcb He has code in his branch
+ [2016-03-08T22:47:52Z] rosenjcb I basically have a load of code in my own branch
+ [2016-03-08T22:47:47Z] rosenjcb Anyone here mind giving me some advice?
+ [2016-03-08T22:30:02Z] rosenjcb Is that manual?
+ [2016-03-08T22:30:00Z] rosenjcb Then finally commit to the master once the code is reconciled?
+ [2016-03-08T22:29:54Z] rosenjcb Commit to the branches
+ [2016-03-08T22:29:51Z] rosenjcb I guess we just make our own branches
+ [2016-03-08T22:28:13Z] rosenjcb I dunno mang
+ [2016-03-08T22:28:11Z] rosenjcb Do I branch, commit, what?
+ [2016-03-08T22:26:36Z] rosenjcb And I don't know if what I'm going to commit is going to force a collision between our two edits of the project.
+ [2016-03-08T22:26:21Z] rosenjcb Because I have an art asset right now and some code.
+ [2016-03-08T22:23:55Z] rosenjcb I wouldn't want him to just sync the code I added and have his deleted.
+ [2016-03-08T22:23:43Z] rosenjcb What is the proper form of doing this?
+ [2016-03-08T22:23:39Z] rosenjcb But not screw up anything he's doing.
+ [2016-03-08T22:23:35Z] rosenjcb I want to commit my code.
+ [2016-03-08T22:23:28Z] rosenjcb One on one end of the code and one on the other.
+ [2016-03-08T22:23:23Z] rosenjcb Imagine two people are coding at once.
+ [2016-03-08T22:23:19Z] rosenjcb So I'm trying to learn github etiquette.
+ [2015-06-19T14:13:25Z] rosenjcb I wonder who I should ping for help.