latest 14 messages by rtorr

+ [2014-08-01T00:57:52Z] rtorr jaybe, ah it was you who helped me :). Thanks!
+ [2014-08-01T00:33:04Z] rtorr not sure if set up was optimal, but it works
+ [2014-08-01T00:32:53Z] rtorr got converted over to jektyll
+ [2014-08-01T00:32:42Z] rtorr Cant remember who helped me earlier, but just wanted to say thanks to the channel
+ [2014-07-31T16:14:47Z] rtorr I put it all the different versions in _data/lang/*.yml
+ [2014-07-31T16:14:07Z] rtorr Maybe I am looking at it wrong. What would you think the best way would be to reproduce a page with a lot of content in many different languages?
+ [2014-07-31T16:10:34Z] rtorr jaybe, so this would be not using the as well, but pasting all of the data to defaults?
+ [2014-07-31T15:55:57Z] rtorr Im _really_ new to jekyll, so I'll have to play around with that.
+ [2014-07-31T15:54:11Z] rtorr thanks though!
+ [2014-07-31T15:54:04Z] rtorr does not really solve the issue of using data sets like that
+ [2014-07-31T15:53:39Z] rtorr I see
+ [2014-07-31T15:38:00Z] rtorr lang:
+ [2014-07-31T15:37:57Z] rtorr for example
+ [2014-07-31T15:37:54Z] rtorr is it possible to set page data as site data?