latest 20 messages by rubygeek

+ [2014-08-20T01:18:20Z] rubygeek you could write it up in an issue at … maybe will help someone else
+ [2014-08-20T01:17:47Z] rubygeek well glad you figured it out
+ [2014-08-20T01:16:42Z] rubygeek ok yours is newer than mine, actually mine is octopress
+ [2014-08-20T01:15:46Z] rubygeek what version are you using of jekyll
+ [2014-08-20T01:14:15Z] rubygeek where is that at?
+ [2014-08-20T01:13:26Z] rubygeek might be at top of your file
+ [2014-08-20T01:12:01Z] rubygeek do you have a trailing slash on that property in your _config?
+ [2014-08-20T01:11:02Z] rubygeek what do you have for this: url:
+ [2014-08-20T01:10:36Z] rubygeek what do your urls look like in the browesr?
+ [2014-08-20T01:04:17Z] rubygeek permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/
+ [2014-08-20T01:04:01Z] rubygeek in _config.yml i have
+ [2014-08-20T01:03:32Z] rubygeek ok let me see my settings
+ [2014-08-20T01:02:49Z] rubygeek on my blog the urls are like this:
+ [2014-08-20T01:01:19Z] rubygeek ok I think i did that on one of my blogs, let me look at the settings
+ [2014-08-20T00:59:43Z] rubygeek so you have /blog/category/YYY/MM/DD and you want it to be /category/YYY/MM/DD ?
+ [2014-08-15T16:22:24Z] rubygeek ok people can figure it out there, we dont need to put on readme