latest 20 messages by rushir

+ [2014-01-15T03:43:48Z] rushir so this is where im at
+ [2014-01-15T03:43:36Z] rushir im back pontiki
+ [2014-01-15T02:43:58Z] rushir thanks for your help!
+ [2014-01-15T02:43:42Z] rushir alright
+ [2014-01-15T02:43:25Z] rushir yes :P
+ [2014-01-15T02:43:17Z] rushir saying?*
+ [2014-01-15T02:43:14Z] rushir pontiki, get what im saing?
+ [2014-01-15T02:43:06Z] rushir and once i got to like 10 posts and if you did "view page source" then you would have a really long page because the post would be on the page itself
+ [2014-01-15T02:42:16Z] rushir thanks jaybe!
+ [2014-01-15T02:41:59Z] rushir well what happens when i have like 5 posts? they would all just be on one page
+ [2014-01-15T02:40:48Z] rushir pontiki can my blog be in that basic html, css?
+ [2014-01-15T02:40:30Z] rushir alright jaybe :)
+ [2014-01-15T02:38:43Z] rushir jaybe i would but i would still have no idea of how to convert that html/css to work with jekyll, i need someone to walk me through it for me to learn
+ [2014-01-15T02:37:36Z] rushir thanks
+ [2014-01-15T02:33:24Z] rushir I just downloaded a theme, followed instructions on getting the theme to work, made no sense
+ [2014-01-15T02:32:58Z] rushir And here is my current Jekyll blog
+ [2014-01-15T02:32:01Z] rushir Here's a link
+ [2014-01-15T02:30:01Z] rushir Ah okay, well my HTML + CSS is pretty shoddy... Could you check it? (I've never programmed)
+ [2014-01-15T02:24:37Z] rushir How do I get it to work with Jekyll?
+ [2014-01-15T02:24:29Z] rushir Now I made a CSS + HTML page, and would like to use it for my blog