latest 20 messages by sagerdearia

+ [2016-02-29T23:28:42Z] sagerdearia When I fork a github repo, and clone locally on my computer, if the initial github repo is updated, how can I `git pull` from my local clone of my forked repo?
+ [2016-02-29T20:40:34Z] sagerdearia figured it out: git commit -m "$(echo -e "line 1\nline 2")"
+ [2016-02-29T20:39:28Z] sagerdearia but even then, still it is not ideal
+ [2016-02-29T20:37:49Z] sagerdearia e.g. I don't want to open a text editor to input the commit message, and would rather incorporate it into my script
+ [2016-02-29T20:37:08Z] sagerdearia well, actually, that doesn't help, as I'm trying to commit from command line
+ [2016-02-29T20:23:15Z] sagerdearia nm
+ [2016-02-29T20:22:35Z] sagerdearia Also, I notice `git commit -m "line 1\nline 2"` doesn't work. How can I separate commit messages to span multiple lines?
+ [2016-02-29T20:18:57Z] sagerdearia If I want to open a pull request to a private github repo, is there a way I can do so creating github repo that is private (without having an account offering privacy) or otherwise submitting a pull request from a repo that is not part of github?
+ [2016-02-22T22:39:01Z] sagerdearia I see but am not sure if it is related.
+ [2016-02-22T22:36:49Z] sagerdearia Does anyone know anything about featured offers, re: github marketplace? Someone mentioned something about that, but I do not understand what it means.
+ [2016-02-21T18:05:16Z] sagerdearia ooh, I see. doesn't work because too many forks to display. :(
+ [2016-02-21T18:04:17Z] sagerdearia I'm trying to figure out how to navigate to such a page for a particular repo, but I am not familiar with where to look for it.
+ [2016-02-21T18:04:00Z] sagerdearia Over the years I recall previously encountering a part of github that shows in a kind of timeline interface all the forks of a repository and showing the activity of each as connected to one another through pull requests.
+ [2016-02-19T04:46:51Z] sagerdearia I presume wait an hour and it shall clear
+ [2016-02-19T04:46:25Z] sagerdearia I see "the rate limit allows you to make up to 60 requests per hour." at
+ [2016-02-19T04:45:29Z] sagerdearia Does anyone know how long must pass before the restriction is lifted/removed?
+ [2016-02-19T04:45:06Z] sagerdearia I believe perhaps too many poll requests perhaps restricted the ip from querying
+ [2016-02-19T04:44:41Z] sagerdearia On my local computer `wget` works, but on a webserver, I see 403 forbidden