latest 8 messages by salty-horse

+ [2016-08-15T18:49:22Z] salty-horse lmmx, I'm using the web interface :)
+ [2016-08-15T18:47:02Z] salty-horse if I'm looking at a markdown/reST file on Github, it automatically shows me the "rendered" view. is there a way to see the plaintext view? (I don't mean the "Raw" view. I want to see the source code with the line numbers, like Github's regular source file view)
+ [2016-06-17T16:06:24Z] salty-horse davisonio, I don't want a separate paragraph. It's part of a plain text line with other stuff :)
+ [2016-06-17T16:05:56Z] salty-horse davisonio, resorted to a ZWJ, thanks :)
+ [2016-06-17T15:25:06Z] salty-horse can I make github not replace :foo: in with an image?
+ [2016-02-25T10:30:07Z] salty-horse Elysia, oh dang. this may be a Firefox issue :/
+ [2016-02-25T09:55:23Z] salty-horse hey. where is the place to report issues in github? specifically, download links for releases are not set with the correct mime type based on extension (.exe and .zip get the right one, but not .dmg, .tar.{gz,bz2})