latest 8 messages by samcv

+ [2016-10-27T22:34:27Z] samcv ok i got it working :)
+ [2016-10-27T22:32:18Z] samcv oh it says it was added to the core engine
+ [2016-10-27T22:27:33Z] samcv sec
+ [2016-10-27T22:27:32Z] samcv oh i need a plugin for that
+ [2016-10-27T22:24:07Z] samcv awesome
+ [2016-10-27T22:21:27Z] samcv i tried escaping the curly braces and that doesn't work either it just errors out
+ [2016-10-27T22:18:17Z] samcv because it's a tutorial on using syntax highlighting... but i can't figure out how to make it take it as literal and not as me trying to start a syntax block
+ [2016-10-27T22:17:57Z] samcv hi I am trying to put {% highlight language %} inside of my page