latest 20 messages by sankage

+ [2014-08-01T15:00:34Z] sankage jimmyff, one small note, you may need to add a `page.` in front of the front-matter key on the for loop to get it to work. So if the key is `images`: {% for image in page.images %}
+ [2014-08-01T14:49:26Z] sankage mojobot help
+ [2014-08-01T14:44:11Z] sankage yeah, yaml cant do that
+ [2014-08-01T14:41:57Z] sankage in the yaml front matter of the post
+ [2014-08-01T14:41:21Z] sankage something like images: [blah.jpg, haha.jpg], then you can loop over them in the post with {% for image in images %}…{% endfor %}
+ [2014-08-01T14:39:48Z] sankage jimmyff, you could just list them in the front-matter of the post
+ [2014-08-01T00:55:02Z] sankage hey parkr, is there another way to loop through the collections?
+ [2014-07-23T18:07:58Z] sankage is there a way to inspect/interact with the jekyll system? i am looking to inspect things like site.posts or site.collections inside an irb-like interface, esentially `jekyll console`
+ [2013-09-13T17:34:25Z] sankage so anything I can do to make things more clear for the next person that might have to change the posts is better
+ [2013-09-13T17:33:19Z] sankage i have 7 different main categories and they have a specific set of 30 posts they want links/images rendered for
+ [2013-09-13T17:30:30Z] sankage so loops seem to be the way to go either way
+ [2013-09-13T17:30:18Z] sankage but yeah, it just loops over everything internally
+ [2013-09-13T17:30:04Z] sankage I should be able to use that as a base and create a tag that returns the whole post object
+ [2013-09-13T17:29:13Z] sankage I just looked at the post_url tag:
+ [2013-09-13T17:24:54Z] sankage because positioning is specific, I can't just add an extra category to the ones i want and loop over them
+ [2013-09-13T17:24:03Z] sankage so i need to grab an image_url out of each person's yaml for display
+ [2013-09-13T17:23:30Z] sankage i have a category for people, but on the home page they want a couple specific people
+ [2013-09-13T17:21:16Z] sankage yea, but if that would mean that it has to loop through all the posts each time, while doable, i was hoping something existed that was more simple