latest 10 messages by savant

+ [2013-10-14T21:10:48Z] savant no dice
+ [2013-10-14T21:10:46Z] savant i tried to give you guys vagrant
+ [2013-10-14T21:10:42Z] savant ah well
+ [2013-10-14T18:38:03Z] savant well, whenever imathis merges my pr in
+ [2013-10-14T18:37:53Z] savant yay octopress now has a vagrantfile
+ [2013-10-14T17:02:09Z] savant *wait
+ [2013-10-14T17:02:08Z] savant or what
+ [2013-10-14T17:02:06Z] savant debating whether I should make all the changes now to make a octopress gem
+ [2013-10-14T16:59:49Z] savant does anyone know if there is a roadmap for 3.x being released?
+ [2013-10-14T16:59:33Z] savant Hi all