latest 11 messages by schalkneethling

+ [2015-10-15T15:20:43Z] schalkneethling ooooh ti seems el capitan related :(
+ [2015-10-15T15:09:22Z] schalkneethling rake watch however throws the same error
+ [2015-10-15T15:05:40Z] schalkneethling also, recently upgraded to el capitan so, not sure whether there are known issues
+ [2015-10-15T15:05:11Z] schalkneethling i double checked and installed jekyll using gem install jekyll even though I know bundler installs it as part of octopress
+ [2015-10-15T15:04:29Z] schalkneethling $ rake preview Starting to watch source with Jekyll and Compass. Starting Rack on port 4000 rake aborted! Errno::ENOENT: No such file or directory - jekyll /Users/espressive/repos/schalk-neethling/Rakefile:84:in `spawn' /Users/espressive/repos/schalk-neethling/Rakefile:84:in `block in <top (required)>' Tasks: TOP => preview (See full trace by running task with --trace)
+ [2015-10-15T15:04:07Z] schalkneethling octopress has been working flawlessly but, for some reason some of the rake tasks has started throwing errors