latest 19 messages by scottalan

+ [2013-12-12T23:26:08Z] scottalan {{ site.baseurl }}/css/app.css is what I have in templates
+ [2013-12-12T23:25:40Z] scottalan this is what I'm doing on another site with exact same setup but I must be missing something here
+ [2013-12-12T23:25:06Z] scottalan so I set the baseurl: jekyll
+ [2013-12-12T23:24:56Z] scottalan so output in browser is: and what I need is
+ [2013-12-12T23:23:36Z] scottalan yeah, I'm using it but in the console it's telling me it can't find the path to css and js files
+ [2013-12-12T23:23:04Z] scottalan I'm setting a different destination
+ [2013-12-12T23:22:43Z] scottalan main reason I mentioned this here is I'm not building the site in the standard "_site" folder here /
+ [2013-12-12T23:22:06Z] scottalan basically I install foundation and then just create the _config.yml file, add _includes and _layout and...jekyll build
+ [2013-12-12T23:21:13Z] scottalan yeah, I upgrading from 3 to 5 and there are several changes so I'm probably just missing a step. I've done it once and didn't document very well. Sorry, probably not related to jekyll at all. I'm basically just using jekyll to generate the site
+ [2013-12-12T23:19:17Z] scottalan gregkare: yeah, it's probably on the foundation side I'm sure.
+ [2013-12-12T23:12:09Z] scottalan gregkare: oh, sorry.
+ [2013-12-12T22:40:18Z] scottalan gregkare: I'm using jekyll with foundation 5
+ [2013-12-12T22:26:59Z] scottalan Has anyone ever come across an issue with jekyll not adding the baseurl: from the _config.yml file? I'm running 1.4.1 but just installed 1.4.0 to see if that might be the issue and it's not.
+ [2013-11-26T16:40:43Z] scottalan sorry, figured it out
+ [2013-11-26T16:33:52Z] scottalan gregkare: ok, thanks anyway
+ [2013-11-26T16:32:40Z] scottalan gregkare: I've looked to make sure the port isn't being used as well. I'm getting no feedback (errors) when trying to run a command
+ [2013-11-26T16:31:43Z] scottalan it's in my $PATH
+ [2013-11-26T16:31:32Z] scottalan gregkare: I checked that even though I've successfully been running it until today...
+ [2013-11-26T16:25:05Z] scottalan What would cause jekyll to run, i.e., jekyll build, jekyll server, etc. for one user on the system but not for another? I've been using it but today it's almost like it's just ignoring the commands for me.