latest 12 messages by sdegutis_

+ [2014-07-07T03:58:24Z] sdegutis_ Didn't join this channel to be talked down to, but thanks anyway.
+ [2014-07-07T03:58:04Z] sdegutis_ Wow the atmosphere in here is kind of rude.
+ [2014-07-07T03:06:58Z] sdegutis_ If I can put the download file on a fixed URL that github hosts, ideally without being in my repo, then we're in business.
+ [2014-07-07T03:06:35Z] sdegutis_ The hardest part to automate is really the homebrew-cask pull request.
+ [2014-07-07T03:06:17Z] sdegutis_ But never mind, I think I may have another solution.
+ [2014-07-07T03:00:46Z] sdegutis_ offby1: btw I'm referring to something like how points to an actual release
+ [2014-07-07T02:43:05Z] sdegutis_ The sole asset I've uploaded with this release.
+ [2014-07-07T02:24:53Z] sdegutis_ Do you know if there's also some "latest" alias for the latest's release's download file?
+ [2014-07-07T02:24:32Z] sdegutis_ You know how Github Releases has a "latest" alias for the latest release?