latest 7 messages by seangrove

+ [2015-03-19T19:24:04Z] seangrove (noting all this down)
+ [2015-03-19T19:19:04Z] seangrove But good point re: plugins
+ [2015-03-19T19:18:49Z] seangrove jxf: Extensibility in an OCaml project is likely to be limited by contributors ;)
+ [2015-03-19T19:18:30Z] seangrove jxf: How are they treated specially?
+ [2015-03-19T18:27:27Z] seangrove Hey all, I'm working on a Jekyll-like system in OCaml (Tower), and curious if anyone has thoughts about, "If we did a rewrite of Jekyll from the ground up, here are the points we'd be sure to hit re: architecture, scoping, tooling, etc."