latest 12 messages by seiyria

+ [2015-02-22T19:45:17Z] seiyria nvm, juist came across
+ [2015-02-22T19:32:14Z] seiyria hey, is it possible for me to get current build information with travis ci (ie, get the current git hash, branch, tag, or whatever travis is attempting to build)?
+ [2015-02-03T18:08:09Z] seiyria is there a way I can use my SSL cert on githubs infra? probably not.
+ [2015-02-03T18:07:57Z] seiyria that's what I figured, thanks.
+ [2015-02-03T17:44:45Z] seiyria hey all, is there a way for me to use githubs SSL if I'm hosting a github page with a custom CNAME?
+ [2014-12-26T23:08:51Z] seiyria HassanCehef, the thing is that it works over http: just not https:
+ [2014-12-26T22:36:25Z] seiyria hey all, I just set up a CNAME for my projects github page. for some reason, if I go to https:// I get "unknown domain, <my url>" -- any idea why?
+ [2014-11-13T15:52:50Z] seiyria by that I mean, I want to build a template with jekyll and have it auto-populate when I push to master, based on the contents of master
+ [2014-11-13T15:43:11Z] seiyria or do I have to manually build and push?
+ [2014-11-13T15:43:03Z] seiyria is it possible to rebuild gh-pages automatically every time I push to master?
+ [2014-10-21T20:54:11Z] seiyria nevermind, turns out you have to give teams access to repositories. thanks!
+ [2014-10-21T20:31:44Z] seiyria hey all, I just created an organization and added a few folks to it. I've givensome access to the repos with write access, but they can't create branches?