latest 13 messages by ser_berry

+ [2015-03-18T01:15:26Z] ser_berry am I correct?
+ [2015-03-18T01:15:23Z] ser_berry howdy. I'm thinking I'm migrating from wordpress. I am under the impression this tool produces static HTML that I can deploy somewhere on my VPS
+ [2015-03-14T06:36:20Z] ser_berry milki: see PM
+ [2015-03-14T06:34:43Z] ser_berry I thought I did that. I'm pretty confused
+ [2015-03-14T06:33:47Z] ser_berry it seems like maybe I want to squash all of the previous commits into the one
+ [2015-03-14T06:33:31Z] ser_berry I thought they update automatically
+ [2015-03-14T06:32:44Z] ser_berry did I miss something?
+ [2015-03-14T06:32:41Z] ser_berry I made a new branch, made my new changes, rebased and squashed the previous merge commit, then pushed
+ [2015-03-14T06:31:53Z] ser_berry I pushed and it says everything up to date
+ [2015-03-14T06:30:09Z] ser_berry how can I fix that?
+ [2015-03-14T06:30:07Z] ser_berry so I made this new branch and I rebased, squashing my merge commit. but my pull request still shows a ton of unrelated changes
+ [2015-03-01T19:38:03Z] ser_berry is there a way I can fix this?
+ [2015-03-01T19:37:59Z] ser_berry I made a pull request but afterwards I noticed the commits contains my merge commit, which is not desirable