latest 7 messages by ses1984

+ [2016-04-08T21:24:00Z] ses1984 i'm not asking if will hold my hand through it, just wondering if there were some features i wasn't aware that might help me investigate
+ [2016-04-08T20:40:18Z] ses1984 hi -- i have an api token that's starting to get '401 rate limit' responses, but i don't think im sending that many requests -- is there a log on github's side i can see to help me figure out my crap?
+ [2015-07-16T16:38:04Z] ses1984 are there any articles or blog posts that cover when github moved off rackspace?
+ [2015-07-15T19:12:54Z] ses1984 is github still hosted on rackspace?
+ [2014-12-09T17:35:10Z] ses1984 committed*. then i did git push, put in my username and password, and it says "everything up to date" .. but my changeset was not uploaded
+ [2014-12-09T17:34:46Z] ses1984 i have cloned it. i have checked out a certain branch. i modified a couple files, did git add -A, and comitted
+ [2014-12-09T17:34:11Z] ses1984 hi-- new to git and github. i'm having trouble pushing changes to one of my repositories. the repo is here. it's a fork of the angularjs tutorial repository