latest 14 messages by sevenseacat

+ [2015-02-01T06:33:35Z] sevenseacat nvm... needed size, not count
+ [2015-02-01T06:29:43Z] sevenseacat i have this in my jekyll index.html file - but even though i have three posts, the conditional never prints out anything... what am i missing
+ [2015-01-01T13:09:23Z] sevenseacat it works ok except for the actual content of the post
+ [2015-01-01T13:08:52Z] sevenseacat hmm i cant share an include between my index.html page and post.html layouts, to render a post from each?
+ [2015-01-01T08:03:05Z] sevenseacat
+ [2015-01-01T08:00:06Z] sevenseacat now i am busy styling :)
+ [2015-01-01T07:59:46Z] sevenseacat adding a config option for "environment" in _config.yml, and then making another _config_dev.yml that i load in dev that sets it to "development"
+ [2015-01-01T07:36:01Z] sevenseacat ah ive seen methods that talk about using extra config files
+ [2015-01-01T07:31:56Z] sevenseacat i dont want to keep hitting GA when im serving jekyll locally
+ [2015-01-01T07:31:41Z] sevenseacat yeah, just trying to work out how to do it
+ [2015-01-01T07:30:31Z] sevenseacat wondering what the best way to include code only when deploying a jekyll app is - eg. google analytics