latest 20 messages by sgronblo

+ [2015-06-22T13:20:43Z] sgronblo thanks for your help btw
+ [2015-06-22T13:19:59Z] sgronblo forgot i had another test post in the _posts directory which did not have this variable in the front matter... <embarrassed>
+ [2015-06-22T13:19:14Z] sgronblo oops, lol
+ [2015-06-22T13:18:08Z] sgronblo ok, now i feel stupid
+ [2015-06-22T13:14:13Z] sgronblo its fucking mysterious
+ [2015-06-22T13:14:07Z] sgronblo but when i add it back in, its like it makes the custom variable become nil
+ [2015-06-22T13:13:51Z] sgronblo well, if i remove the array_to_sentence_string i get the array joined with nothing
+ [2015-06-22T12:48:42Z] sgronblo It's like my custom variables don't get added to the page object
+ [2015-06-22T11:34:43Z] sgronblo gynter: yes I have {{ }}
+ [2015-06-22T09:07:17Z] sgronblo i could try again with a new test blog on my work pc
+ [2015-06-22T09:06:47Z] sgronblo do they both work for you?
+ [2015-06-22T09:06:18Z] sgronblo anyway arent both valid yaml definitions of arrays?
+ [2015-06-22T09:06:08Z] sgronblo gynter: I feel like I tried both
+ [2015-06-22T08:37:38Z] sgronblo didnt work so i tried with a hardcoded array, still didnt work = wtf
+ [2015-06-22T08:37:16Z] sgronblo was trying to use it for my custom attribute page.authors
+ [2015-06-22T08:37:00Z] sgronblo i couldnt get it to work no matter what i did
+ [2015-06-22T08:36:17Z] sgronblo it works?
+ [2015-06-22T08:16:13Z] sgronblo looks like its in there though
+ [2015-06-22T08:15:08Z] sgronblo but im not sure if its registered incorrectly, it seems to be called with nil
+ [2015-06-22T08:14:53Z] sgronblo yeah and it should put an and before the last comma