latest 20 messages by shadowlightwolf

+ [2015-06-28T19:53:17Z] shadowlightwolf ugh, nevermind, I think I figured this one out too ~.~
+ [2015-06-28T19:48:05Z] shadowlightwolf that's what the nav is supposed to look like
+ [2015-06-28T19:47:51Z] shadowlightwolf if you're on home, you don't really notice anything, but if you go to blog, it shows half of what it should,I think
+ [2015-06-28T19:47:29Z] shadowlightwolf I can't figure out what's going on with the nav highlights
+ [2015-06-28T19:47:19Z] shadowlightwolf and here's the source
+ [2015-06-28T19:47:10Z] shadowlightwolf that's the site...
+ [2015-06-28T19:45:45Z] shadowlightwolf hang on lemme push what I have so far then I'll explain...
+ [2015-06-28T19:45:26Z] shadowlightwolf one thing though, I can't seem to figure out...
+ [2015-06-28T19:27:32Z] shadowlightwolf Question, if I wanted to set up a subnav that only shows up when on certain pages, how would I do it?
+ [2015-06-28T15:40:06Z] shadowlightwolf
+ [2015-06-28T15:38:31Z] shadowlightwolf jekyll 3.0.0.pre.beta7 | Error: undefined method `bytesize' for nil:NilClass
+ [2015-06-28T15:38:28Z] shadowlightwolf Liquid Exception: undefined method `bytesize' for nil:NilClass in _layouts/default.html
+ [2015-06-28T15:31:31Z] shadowlightwolf Can anyone help me figure out this error I keep getting?