latest 4 messages by shadyabh1

+ [2013-07-13T17:29:28Z] shadyabh1 jaybe: Nothing special. Just the famous (comes first in google search so it's bound to work)
+ [2013-07-13T08:20:17Z] shadyabh1 Anyone, please reply. I'll be waiting for the answer. I think there is no other way to ask for help :(. Don't feel like opening a github issue for this
+ [2013-07-13T07:28:07Z] shadyabh1 I'm not sure what to do. Anyone who knows, please reply
+ [2013-07-13T07:12:33Z] shadyabh1 Hi all, I'm not sure how to import blog posts. All the blogs say, just run that gist. I did that. It also created folders like _posts. But, then what? I can't see it in my blog.