latest 7 messages by shadyabhi

+ [2013-07-16T14:57:49Z] shadyabhi GeekOnCoffee: Now, the thing is, there is no sure way to test my stuff without actually migrating
+ [2013-07-16T14:57:30Z] shadyabhi GeekOnCoffee: . Reading this feels like, it's dependant on page content too.
+ [2013-07-16T14:53:25Z] shadyabhi I'm trying to get disqus to work. Is it like I won't see disqus comments on my blog if blog is running on a different domain?
+ [2013-07-16T14:34:04Z] shadyabhi GeekOnCoffee: Worked. I guess, the import script for blogger has a bug.
+ [2013-07-16T14:19:57Z] shadyabhi parkr: Thanks. Trying it.. Also, no mention of it on official page I think
+ [2013-07-16T14:01:54Z] shadyabhi Anyone please respond whenever you see this. Seems like a pretty basic error for someone who has every used octopress. Thanks in advance
+ [2013-07-16T13:59:08Z] shadyabhi What's going wrong here? . Also, why do we not have a mailing list of octopress?