latest 17 messages by shangul

+ [2016-07-24T16:02:02Z] shangul ok thanks
+ [2016-07-24T15:46:42Z] shangul is there any portable git for windows?
+ [2016-07-24T15:45:29Z] shangul og ok thanks!
+ [2016-07-24T15:44:37Z] shangul [20:19] <Zarthus> there is a button 'create new file' => but it just make a file
+ [2016-07-24T15:43:59Z] shangul forget my last msg
+ [2016-07-24T15:43:41Z] shangul Zarthus, i want make a dir with many files in, how to done dis with web ui?
+ [2016-07-24T15:42:10Z] shangul ok i add a file
+ [2016-07-24T15:38:54Z] shangul do i create a directory using github web ui?
+ [2016-07-22T19:33:03Z] shangul im able to ddg it!
+ [2016-07-22T19:32:47Z] shangul but np
+ [2016-07-22T19:32:23Z] shangul <Seveas> shangul: how about => i asked u a direct link!
+ [2016-07-22T19:12:17Z] shangul <Seveas> read the documentation to see what you can use => where i can do?
+ [2016-07-22T18:57:37Z] shangul can i use cgi with?
+ [2016-07-22T18:53:20Z] shangul can i use php with?
+ [2016-07-22T18:50:34Z] shangul hai!can i host my homepage on github?