latest 20 messages by shorts

+ [2015-08-10T11:57:37Z] shorts :)
+ [2015-08-10T11:57:33Z] shorts Seveas: OK Thankyou.
+ [2015-08-10T11:56:49Z] shorts HI everybody, just a quick newb question… With Gists, can you create pull requests and stuff like that or do I need to create a repo for that type of thing?
+ [2014-07-23T03:46:13Z] shorts later
+ [2014-07-23T03:44:09Z] shorts OK pontiki , I'm out... gotta go to a lecture. Thanks for the suggestions. If I see ya around, I'll let you know if I get it working or find an alternative. Cheers :)
+ [2014-07-23T03:41:28Z] shorts definitely an early adopter for his age
+ [2014-07-23T03:39:51Z] shorts hahah... he's not bad. He's used computers all his life but struggles a bit more now that he's older
+ [2014-07-23T03:38:17Z] shorts the reason I wanted to set it up is to make a special section for my dad for computer tips so he can learn more
+ [2014-07-23T03:37:34Z] shorts well from what he said in the post
+ [2014-07-23T03:37:12Z] shorts heh... yeah the guy on that post seems to have somewhat achieved that. I checked to see his live site and it just seemed to point to a blogger site so no dice in that sense
+ [2014-07-23T03:35:21Z] shorts for real!
+ [2014-07-23T03:34:51Z] shorts with backups of course!
+ [2014-07-23T03:34:24Z] shorts yeah I suppose. I guess I'm just curios at this stage. I'm new to octopress so I'm trying and thinking about things like this to learn more about it.
+ [2014-07-23T03:32:56Z] shorts but I think the concept behind the post on github looks similar
+ [2014-07-23T03:32:11Z] shorts yeah
+ [2014-07-23T03:32:07Z] shorts like and
+ [2014-07-23T03:31:16Z] shorts well I was thinking about doing it that way and just using subdomains
+ [2014-07-23T03:30:06Z] shorts pontiki: yeah it could get a bit messy but I wouldn't mind giving it a try
+ [2014-07-23T02:22:39Z] shorts Hmm all good I think I might have found the answer:
+ [2014-07-23T02:05:15Z] shorts Hello. I was wondering if it's possible to have two blog pages with octopuses... for example I would like to have a blog page with all my blog posts and then another blog page with all my tutorial blog posts. TIA