latest 8 messages by shwouchk

+ [2014-11-12T10:58:13Z] shwouchk pontiki: thanks!
+ [2014-11-12T10:58:09Z] shwouchk pontiki: perhaps I'll investigate it, but I am under great time constraints and for now the top priority is to get something that works.
+ [2014-11-12T10:57:10Z] shwouchk pontiki: Do you know if it is possible to assign a given css class to the table?
+ [2014-11-12T10:56:44Z] shwouchk pontiki: I figured it out - I added a blank line between the heading and the table, and it worked. It is ugly but works... Thanks!
+ [2014-11-12T09:52:48Z] shwouchk I'm having trouble making jekyll recognize markdown tables