latest 5 messages by sidh

+ [2014-11-19T15:26:28Z] sidh what thos kind of error means : [2014-11-19T15:25:00.773188 #76895] DEBUG -- : unknown: file:/usr/local/www/ ({})
+ [2014-11-19T14:13:37Z] sidh jaybe: i try a default front matter
+ [2014-11-19T14:10:48Z] sidh einball: what do I put inside the yaml block
+ [2014-11-19T13:46:25Z] sidh I've set up my first Jekyll environment and install the Freelancer theme, I've read the official documentation and regarding the folder structure of the theme , I can't find the file that has generated the default index.html file provided with the theme, do you know how I can have it ?
+ [2014-11-19T13:43:58Z] sidh Greetings