latest 20 messages by simon_weber

+ [2013-12-14T21:00:04Z] simon_weber well, shit, apparently you can just index with [var] and it works. who knew
+ [2013-12-14T20:48:09Z] simon_weber this isn't a huge deal with these json files, but I'm going to need to do something similar in html now, where I'd really prefer to use a layout
+ [2013-12-14T20:46:56Z] simon_weber if it were possible to index into the hash, I could just hardcode the date/key and then push the rest into a layout
+ [2013-12-14T20:46:38Z] simon_weber pontiki: here's an example of what I ended up doing:
+ [2013-12-14T16:31:19Z] simon_weber I've got a hacky working solution that I can show you later =)
+ [2013-12-14T16:31:09Z] simon_weber no problem, thanks for the help
+ [2013-12-14T16:30:35Z] simon_weber which means pulling down the entire site from github before generating and pushing back
+ [2013-12-14T16:30:27Z] simon_weber right, but if they're all stateless, then the state has to come from _somewhere_
+ [2013-12-14T16:28:52Z] simon_weber to keep the listener simple
+ [2013-12-14T16:28:46Z] simon_weber hah, of course, but it kind of goes against the reason I wanted it to be stateless in the first place
+ [2013-12-14T16:28:03Z] simon_weber being able to generate the entire site requires state on the listener
+ [2013-12-14T16:27:22Z] simon_weber the entire idea of this project is for the hook that receives new posts to archive remains stateless
+ [2013-12-14T16:25:54Z] simon_weber yeah. I'll just need to hardcode the key in each of these generated files
+ [2013-12-14T16:25:25Z] simon_weber not in my case: I'm limited to github pages features
+ [2013-12-14T16:24:37Z] simon_weber pontiki: indeed. it appears indexing into a hash is impossible
+ [2013-12-14T15:34:34Z] simon_weber I'm referring to the {% include {{my_variable}} %} syntax
+ [2013-12-14T15:34:04Z] simon_weber is there no way to use include-style rendering of params in normal liquid?
+ [2013-12-14T15:32:22Z] simon_weber which seems kinds of daft, but oh well
+ [2013-12-14T15:32:09Z] simon_weber if that's not possible, I suppose I'll have to iterate the hash
+ [2013-12-14T15:32:00Z] simon_weber all I need to do is index into a hash by a variable