latest 20 messages by simplicius

+ [2020-06-19T08:44:55Z] simplicius I canno access to my repository
+ [2020-06-10T11:35:00Z] simplicius 1-2 min I've closed the browser and reopend so it was not a refresh issue
+ [2020-06-10T11:31:20Z] simplicius when I update there's a delay for the page to show up
+ [2020-06-10T11:27:15Z] simplicius
+ [2020-06-10T11:24:40Z] simplicius I don't understand why I get "404 File not found" for a particular page that's on the repository
+ [2020-05-14T10:23:59Z] simplicius but then that error
+ [2020-05-14T10:23:55Z] simplicius it says Uploading 1 of 1 files
+ [2020-05-14T10:23:29Z] simplicius I select them with the webinterface
+ [2020-05-14T10:20:50Z] simplicius yes but I've selected it
+ [2020-05-14T10:20:15Z] simplicius Add some files to include in this commit.
+ [2020-05-14T10:17:54Z] simplicius I cannot add even from the web interface
+ [2020-05-14T10:11:32Z] simplicius
+ [2020-05-14T10:06:48Z] simplicius fatal: remote origin already exists.
+ [2020-05-14T10:05:14Z] simplicius
+ [2020-05-14T10:04:12Z] simplicius with the names of repo
+ [2020-05-14T10:04:08Z] simplicius it says origin: ...