latest 20 messages by sivy

+ [2015-03-31T03:49:44Z] sivy GeekDude: that was it. thanks so much.
+ [2015-03-31T03:45:17Z] sivy ok
+ [2015-03-31T03:44:38Z] sivy does that work for an A name
+ [2015-03-31T03:44:10Z] sivy ah, no, managed to miss that page among the 4 others telling me what to do
+ [2015-03-31T03:37:23Z] sivy however... 404 There isn't a GitHub Pages site here.
+ [2015-03-31T03:36:54Z] sivy ive got my apex domain configured according to
+ [2015-03-31T03:35:59Z] sivy so, i've been over 3 or 4 explanations of "add your custom domain to github pages" and i cannot find anything where I tell Pages what my domain is
+ [2015-03-31T03:35:45Z] sivy evening folks.
+ [2015-03-18T15:58:02Z] sivy jaybe: \o/
+ [2015-03-18T15:37:12Z] sivy (no filters in tags i think)
+ [2015-03-18T15:37:04Z] sivy but then i cannot compare the result in an if
+ [2015-03-18T15:36:55Z] sivy i can use array.length | divide_by
+ [2015-03-18T15:36:20Z] sivy (but then i cannot divide_by)
+ [2015-03-18T15:35:53Z] sivy does it stay an array?
+ [2015-03-18T15:35:48Z] sivy what if you capture the array?
+ [2015-03-18T15:35:03Z] sivy but then capture kills it :-)
+ [2015-03-18T15:34:58Z] sivy and size returns an int...
+ [2015-03-18T15:34:50Z] sivy split creates arrays
+ [2015-03-18T15:23:11Z] sivy i'm fairly new to jekyll: any tips?
+ [2015-03-18T15:22:54Z] sivy i get a String comparison to int error