latest 9 messages by skagedal

+ [2015-02-23T17:16:19Z] skagedal hi. i'd like to programmatically tweak the permalink for every page. i was thinking i could do that in a generator plugin by setting['permalink'] to something, but that doesn't seem to work. is there another way? or am i doing it wrong?
+ [2015-02-22T21:31:43Z] skagedal allright, so that part i understand now. i guess this site uses a pretty atypical jekyll-setup...
+ [2015-02-22T21:28:10Z] skagedal ah that's right, it's because the config.yml sets "source" to a subdirectory and that's where it's looking for _plugins...?
+ [2015-02-22T21:23:48Z] skagedal jaybe: good idea, i'll try that
+ [2015-02-22T21:21:36Z] skagedal jaybe: but it didn't.
+ [2015-02-22T21:20:30Z] skagedal but now i posted here
+ [2015-02-22T21:20:18Z] skagedal jaybe: and i kind of have a feeling that's related to the other problem i'm still having
+ [2015-02-22T21:19:10Z] skagedal jaybe: thanks...? :) the problem here was that docs say that jekyll by default looks for plugins in "_plugins", but I had to set it explicitly to make the build work.
+ [2015-02-22T20:19:25Z] skagedal hi! i'm having trouble with building a manual that uses jekyll. first, it did not find the "_plugins" (had to be set explicitly even though it should be default?) and now i get an error with "undefined method 'frontmatter_defaults'". any ideas?