latest 8 messages by skooks

+ [2015-04-10T00:56:38Z] skooks Also, thanks for responding Remram.
+ [2015-04-10T00:54:19Z] skooks Also, does it at least allow custom sub domain names?
+ [2015-04-10T00:54:10Z] skooks Does heroku keep your box on 24/7?
+ [2015-04-10T00:34:53Z] skooks If so, is there a tutorial that can help me set up a ruby server on a custom
+ [2015-04-10T00:34:38Z] skooks And have it run ruby shit?
+ [2015-04-10T00:34:35Z] skooks With the, can I set up a ruby server?
+ [2015-04-10T00:34:29Z] skooks I have a small question.
+ [2015-04-10T00:34:27Z] skooks Hey guys.