latest 12 messages by sm

+ [2016-12-09T16:36:15Z] sm also, I feel that a portion of IRC notifications that should appear, don't. Any thoughts ?
+ [2016-12-09T16:34:57Z] sm it's really bugging me :)
+ [2016-12-09T16:34:31Z] sm either what it would take to do this, or where else I could discuss it ?
+ [2016-12-09T16:29:04Z] sm g'day all. I would like to get IRC notifications of new issue comments, but not comment edits. I have found but I'm not seeing where/if the difference is available. Would anyone be able to advise ?
+ [2015-08-15T00:28:41Z] sm darnit
+ [2015-08-15T00:28:36Z] sm ooh... ""message": "email Service does not respond to :issues events""
+ [2015-08-15T00:27:49Z] sm VxJasonxV: hmm, with events set to ["issues", "issue_comment", "push"], I received the push notification sent by Test Hook (and marked the sender as "no moderation required"), but I don't receive anything for a new issue or issue comment.
+ [2015-08-14T23:57:24Z] sm will try that, thank you
+ [2015-08-14T23:55:17Z] sm will that hook also send all commit notifications to the list ? I'd prefer to exclude those
+ [2015-08-14T23:54:26Z] sm ah, thanks
+ [2015-08-14T23:53:53Z] sm I'd like all new issues and issue comments to automatically appear on the list
+ [2015-08-14T23:52:10Z] sm g'day all. What's the recommended way to cc github issue tracker activity to a mail list ?