latest 15 messages by snfgf

+ [2019-04-04T08:53:44Z] snfgf what format is this ID?
+ [2019-04-04T08:53:40Z] snfgf when i look at SSH keys in my github profile i see an id string ab:cd:ef (etc.)
+ [2019-03-28T16:06:27Z] snfgf ?
+ [2019-03-28T16:06:26Z] snfgf Have a section "Host", then IdentityFile "~/.ssh/
+ [2019-03-28T16:05:30Z] snfgf setting up public key identification, i have, and; when i clone a repo from github via ssh, how do i say, "use"?
+ [2016-10-21T13:18:29Z] snfgf what is the appropriate hook?
+ [2016-10-21T13:18:14Z] snfgf i want to push to server A (on LAN) - if there were no conflicts, i would like a hook that, after the push to A has finished, pushes to remote server B
+ [2016-10-21T13:16:15Z] snfgf hello
+ [2016-10-21T11:56:27Z] snfgf i have a windows server; i've configured ssh-keys under git bash to work with another remote, so when I run bash and then ssh, no problems. however, when i try to push to the windows server, and have a post-receive to push to my remote, it hangs
+ [2016-10-21T11:52:03Z] snfgf hey guys
+ [2016-10-21T09:30:32Z] snfgf how so?
+ [2016-10-21T09:29:52Z] snfgf but I can't get any error message from my post-receive
+ [2016-10-21T09:29:23Z] snfgf Zarthus, yes, but it doesn't stop spinning. In my post-receive hook, I have a git push origin master, to push it on to another remote repository. When I remove that, the spinning stops (ie. it works)
+ [2016-10-21T09:26:08Z] snfgf I am using Github Desktop and have a little spinning wheel next to the name of my repo when I 'sync'
+ [2016-10-21T09:25:36Z] snfgf hi guys