latest 5 messages by sol0

+ [2015-07-24T04:44:00Z] sol0 :-(
+ [2015-07-24T04:43:56Z] sol0 oh no, github doesn't allow 'source' configuration for jekyll
+ [2015-07-24T03:28:26Z] sol0 I appended 'blog' to 'url' in _config.yml, didn't do any good. Was that ok?
+ [2015-07-24T03:27:14Z] sol0 I used to run jekyll on pages from my site's root dir, but now i moved everything to one subdirectory called 'blog'. What do I need to change to make this work?
+ [2015-07-24T03:26:36Z] sol0 Hello everyone, just a quick question.