latest 20 messages by sonOfRa

+ [2017-07-24T21:16:31Z] sonOfRa Or if they do, they do so anonymously.
+ [2017-07-24T21:16:25Z] sonOfRa kgbme: you won't really get official answers out of this channel, github staff don't hang out here
+ [2017-07-01T15:11:21Z] sonOfRa It might not include issues where you are the author, but haven't commented
+ [2017-07-01T15:06:42Z] sonOfRa waresoft: I already told you: put commenter:user in the search box
+ [2017-07-01T13:37:25Z] sonOfRa Put commenter:user in the search box
+ [2017-07-01T13:37:15Z] sonOfRa waresoft:
+ [2017-07-01T12:42:30Z] sonOfRa Then "git fetch origin" followed by "git reset --hard origin" will do the trick.
+ [2017-07-01T12:41:57Z] sonOfRa whaththef: you have local *commits* that differ from master. Are you really 100% sure you want to throw them away entirely?
+ [2017-07-01T12:40:58Z] sonOfRa If THAT gives you conflicts, then you have to fix those conflicts
+ [2017-07-01T12:40:49Z] sonOfRa Then pull again
+ [2017-07-01T12:40:42Z] sonOfRa That throws away the merge state
+ [2017-07-01T12:40:36Z] sonOfRa try git reset --hard HEAD
+ [2017-07-01T12:40:28Z] sonOfRa Oh, you're inside an ongoing merge
+ [2017-07-01T12:33:20Z] sonOfRa Note that neither solution will delete *commits*.
+ [2017-07-01T12:32:42Z] sonOfRa git reset HEAD will reset files that are in the staging area
+ [2017-07-01T12:32:11Z] sonOfRa So make sure you really want to get rid of all of them
+ [2017-07-01T12:32:04Z] sonOfRa This will lose ALL those changes
+ [2017-07-01T12:31:56Z] sonOfRa git checkout . to lose all changes to tracked files, git clean -f to remove all new untracked files
+ [2017-04-12T23:35:35Z] sonOfRa git remote set-url <remotename> should fix this.