latest 11 messages by sonirico

+ [2016-10-02T15:37:15Z] sonirico Now... how I get the css files included? XD
+ [2016-10-02T15:36:53Z] sonirico I have installed bootstrap4 with bundler through the gem as specfied here
+ [2016-10-02T15:36:07Z] sonirico Hey there!
+ [2016-09-28T22:00:42Z] sonirico I would like to have dependencies installed per project, not in the system
+ [2016-09-28T22:00:08Z] sonirico I read that that is unrecommended somehow
+ [2016-09-28T21:58:27Z] sonirico I am a sudoer...
+ [2016-09-28T21:58:16Z] sonirico You don't have write permissions for the /var/lib/gems/2.3.0 directory.
+ [2016-09-28T21:58:14Z] sonirico ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
+ [2016-09-28T21:58:11Z] sonirico gem install jekyll bundler
+ [2016-09-28T21:58:08Z] sonirico I am trying to install jekyll through "gem install jekyll bundler" but I am getting:
+ [2016-09-28T21:56:56Z] sonirico hey there!