latest 20 messages by srenatus

+ [2015-11-11T16:04:56Z] srenatus PrincessZoey: sounds relevant
+ [2015-11-03T16:29:26Z] srenatus bkzl: there's guard-jekyll-plus, that should make it possible to watch whatever you want.
+ [2015-11-03T16:12:06Z] srenatus sisccl: you could have your web server interpret HTML as php, if everything else fails
+ [2015-10-27T11:55:49Z] srenatus so you're builing on linux (vagrant) and serving from windows..?
+ [2015-10-27T11:52:18Z] srenatus Yarn_: huh? weird.
+ [2015-10-27T11:38:37Z] srenatus hmm. is in _a/, right?
+ [2015-10-27T11:37:46Z] srenatus no docs, no files
+ [2015-10-27T11:37:42Z] srenatus actually, that hash above (12:34) looks suspicious
+ [2015-10-27T11:35:17Z] srenatus {% for item in site.a %} {{ item }} {% endfor %} gives nothing? hmm
+ [2015-10-27T11:33:10Z] srenatus ah, sorry, my fault
+ [2015-10-27T11:31:27Z] srenatus a is _one_ collection, where there could be many
+ [2015-10-27T11:31:14Z] srenatus try {% for a in site.collections.a %}
+ [2015-10-27T11:27:56Z] srenatus does it have a yaml front matter? i.e. `---\nsomething: bar\n---\n" ?
+ [2015-10-27T11:25:40Z] srenatus (coming back to your original problem...)
+ [2015-10-27T11:25:25Z] srenatus Yarn_: what have you tried, in your jekyll setup?
+ [2015-10-27T11:24:20Z] srenatus Yarn_: your case might be different...
+ [2015-10-27T11:24:14Z] srenatus Yarn_: was just meant as a pointer, i.e., this is what would be needed.
+ [2015-10-21T10:55:36Z] srenatus ggherdov`: {{ site.time | split:"-" | first }} something like that might do...?