latest 6 messages by stale

+ [2016-04-05T12:14:10Z] stale hi! none of my categories that have accents in their names are showing in the loop {% for post in site.categories.Not??cia %}. can anyone help with that?
+ [2016-03-28T19:42:28Z] stale hi. anyone knows why I can't use endcapture anywhere? I keep getting Unknown tag 'endcapture' in index.html. thanks.
+ [2016-03-28T18:40:55Z] stale :)
+ [2016-03-28T18:40:53Z] stale already solved, nvm :
+ [2016-03-28T18:10:21Z] stale (the ones shown via paginator have excerpts, these ones will just be a list of links)
+ [2016-03-28T18:09:33Z] stale howdy. I need to have a {% for post in site.posts limit:15 %} that excludes the posts listed elsewhere on the page via {% for post in paginator.posts %}. any ideas on how to do that? thanks :)