latest 7 messages by stanzh

+ [2013-08-16T18:02:52Z] stanzh oops i found what i was looking for. if anyone had the same question.
+ [2013-08-16T17:25:21Z] stanzh thanks for the response jaybe!
+ [2013-08-16T17:24:59Z] stanzh just an idea generator for myself
+ [2013-08-16T17:24:51Z] stanzh in the octopress wiki project
+ [2013-08-16T17:24:44Z] stanzh that sounds good. I was looking something similar to this,
+ [2013-08-16T17:21:10Z] stanzh i've used octopress for a bit and i've been looking to change it from the default look
+ [2013-08-16T17:21:02Z] stanzh hi is there a repo for example sites/templates for someone to get started to working in jekyll