latest 6 messages by statix

+ [2013-11-02T14:06:24Z] statix ah, it's on the github releases page
+ [2013-11-02T14:03:51Z] statix it's not clear how you're supposed to 'try out' 1.3rc1
+ [2013-11-02T14:03:18Z] statix ... is there supposed to be an rc1 gem available? or a download link on that post?
+ [2013-11-02T14:03:05Z] statix also this may be a stupid question but...
+ [2013-11-02T13:52:59Z] statix also the example on that docs page uses an `end` liquid tag for the `for` loop, which jekyll 1.2.1 rejects
+ [2013-11-02T13:46:21Z] statix Am I right or wrong in thinking that although the docs for data files ( are live on the website, the feature isn't in the current release, 1.2.1?