latest 10 messages by stef_204

+ [2015-10-20T17:32:27Z] stef_204 ok, got it. thanks a lot
+ [2015-10-20T17:32:14Z] stef_204 ofc it's rubygems
+ [2015-10-20T17:31:56Z] stef_204 jaybe: ok
+ [2015-10-20T17:31:27Z] stef_204 jaybe understood, but what am I building though..? all I'm doing is to run jekyll....
+ [2015-10-20T17:20:34Z] stef_204 I installed the development deps which really should not be needed to run jekyll....but not sure which gem did the job or exactly what I did. I probably just needed to rebuild a gem or something
+ [2015-10-20T17:08:21Z] stef_204 not sure what was wrong but seems fine now.
+ [2015-10-20T17:08:02Z] stef_204 thanks for feedback
+ [2015-10-20T17:07:54Z] stef_204 jaybe: OK, i uninstalled the gems Jekyll was giving errors for and reinstalled them and back to nomal now, finally
+ [2015-10-20T17:00:07Z] stef_204 not sure why it is showing those messages....
+ [2015-10-20T16:58:07Z] stef_204 jaybe: I installed a few more gems and now I get this, although it works