latest 14 messages by stephang

+ [2016-04-17T15:38:46Z] stephang jaybe: thanks for your assistance once again, bye bye.
+ [2016-04-17T15:28:40Z] stephang once i join IRC i see a net split, splendid! :)
+ [2016-04-17T15:28:38Z] stephang for now I just use a github post hook to deploy.
+ [2016-04-17T15:27:21Z] stephang currently I'm just playing around with Jekyll, but for me this really seems like a solution
+ [2016-04-17T15:26:44Z] stephang oh yes right
+ [2016-04-17T15:24:44Z] stephang If I want to use Ruby code I probably want to deploy jekyll with apache or whatever probably.
+ [2016-04-17T15:22:34Z] stephang Oh my, my typing is bad... thank you.
+ [2016-04-17T15:22:17Z] stephang jaybe: thanks you!
+ [2016-04-17T15:21:47Z] stephang jaybe: right, but Liquid only, right?
+ [2016-04-17T15:20:02Z] stephang jaybe: I guess the same holds for if I switch to MyPage.html, right? :)
+ [2016-04-17T15:19:27Z] stephang jaybe: thanks
+ [2016-04-17T15:16:50Z] stephang Can I use instead of Liquid template language also Ruby code in a let's say file?
+ [2016-04-17T15:15:31Z] stephang hey Jekyll users.