latest 19 messages by stilldavid

+ [2015-08-03T20:44:04Z] stilldavid hi friends! I'm running into an issue where the jekyll command takes a long while to run every command, even just "-v". What's a good way to go about diagnosing what's going on?
+ [2015-07-27T19:53:01Z] stilldavid no problem at all!
+ [2015-07-27T19:52:45Z] stilldavid yeah, if you add a custom.css file throw a link to it in the header of your layout
+ [2015-07-27T19:38:46Z] stilldavid and worked backwards to the custom.css file, which is loaded after the theme css so it overrides the default styles of the theme
+ [2015-07-27T19:37:57Z] stilldavid right click -> inspect elemtn
+ [2015-07-27T19:37:50Z] stilldavid I just used the chrome web inspector to see what styles were applied to the img element
+ [2015-07-27T19:37:31Z] stilldavid no worries, sometimes it just takes a second set of eyes :)
+ [2015-07-27T19:36:35Z] stilldavid (the gravatar, I mean)
+ [2015-07-27T19:33:51Z] stilldavid the border-radius: 50% makes it look circular, and the margin: 0 auto centers it.
+ [2015-07-27T19:33:32Z] stilldavid patrick added it here:
+ [2015-07-27T19:33:02Z] stilldavid yeah, add that bit. I'm not familiar with the theme, though
+ [2015-07-27T19:32:07Z] stilldavid .sidebar-logo img { margin: 0 auto; }
+ [2015-07-27T19:31:53Z] stilldavid looks like the other .sidebar-logo has a margin: 0 auto; instead of 0 0 1rem
+ [2015-07-27T19:10:24Z] stilldavid to get a version number?
+ [2015-07-27T18:08:08Z] stilldavid ➔ time jekyll -v
+ [2015-07-27T18:07:01Z] stilldavid hi folks! I just upgraded all my gems after a long while, and am back looking at jekyll for a static site. For some reason, the jekyll command takes ages to run - is there a way to debug what's taking so long?