latest 5 messages by stl

+ [2013-07-04T19:18:21Z] stl oh. i see the error is in trying to tell me where it's at
+ [2013-07-04T19:10:17Z] stl ktrace also didn't help because it processes them after reading them all in...
+ [2013-07-04T19:09:56Z] stl it'd be nice if i could get, say, a list of the posts as it goes along so i could narrow it down
+ [2013-07-04T19:08:30Z] stl the backtrace is not much help because it doesn't tell me what it's trying to process at the time (i.e. which post or block)
+ [2013-07-04T19:08:07Z] stl hi all.. i suck at ruby and am running into trouble trying to migrate some ancient content to jekyll. i get this: Generating... /usr/local/lib/ruby/gems/1.9/gems/maruku-0.6.1/lib/maruku/input/parse_span_better.rb:657:in `read_image': can't convert nil into String (TypeError)