latest 6 messages by storrgie

+ [2017-02-28T00:08:06Z] storrgie I want to move my blog from inside github (as a personal page) to an external site
+ [2017-02-28T00:07:54Z] storrgie I think a lot of folks want to use a custom domain and route people IN to github, I want to do the opposite
+ [2017-02-28T00:06:06Z] storrgie Can I redirect my user page site to an external site?
+ [2016-03-16T00:33:06Z] storrgie if it has to be master, is there a convention for storing the source?
+ [2016-03-16T00:32:53Z] storrgie for personal sites ( can we use the gh-pages branch for content or does it have to be master?
+ [2015-09-17T19:03:01Z] storrgie Anyone using something like travis to pull data and commit it to a repository at some frequency?