latest 11 messages by t-richards

+ [2016-12-12T19:20:32Z] t-richards The alternative, of course, is the package manager (CPAN, or the OS). Both of those things would pull in the `perl-file-next` library which ack requires.
+ [2016-12-12T19:19:13Z] t-richards Sounds disgusting. :P
+ [2016-12-12T19:19:07Z] t-richards So, we just prepend all the dependencies into one huge ruby file?
+ [2016-12-12T19:18:19Z] t-richards >The single-file version of ack is a single Perl program, around 4,400 lines of plain text. It combines the ack program and all its Perl modules into a single text file you can download and install anywhere you can put a shell script.
+ [2016-12-12T19:14:43Z] t-richards (e.g.
+ [2016-12-12T19:14:39Z] t-richards The static compilation thing is tough for Ruby. Do you distribute copies of vendored gems? Do you distribute a runtime?
+ [2016-12-12T19:14:12Z] t-richards The pre-built binary would need to have been statically compiled against its dependencies. Otherwise, it's the package manager's responsibility to do dependency resolution, etc.
+ [2016-12-12T19:09:29Z] t-richards Userland package management for <interpreted language> isn't all that different.
+ [2016-12-12T19:08:49Z] t-richards Yes, but you did have to know how to get the OS package manager to install the program before you used it.
+ [2016-12-12T19:05:33Z] t-richards By this logic, Python and Node.js are equally as bad. You have to create a virtualenv and do `pip install ...` or `npm install` respectively before you can use programs written in those languages.
+ [2016-12-12T19:05:33Z] t-richards >it a shit language if you have to know to before you could use programs written in it